

SisterhoodRecreation is a platform that intends to shape women to believe in their dreams again, to live out their goals and to live within their dreams. We ought to attract women that are broken, women that have lost hope in their careers, studies, marriage, relationships and their lives in particular. We want to help women to reconnect with their destines, to be bold and brave enough to risks to better their lives. To offer counseling and life coaching. In South Africa we experience high rate of women drinking, they nolonger see a need to study because of no employment and they have turned drinking into a 9-5 job. With SisterhoodRecreation we want ladies to be Entrepreneurs, business women and become employers to create Jobs for other people who ought to struggle. This initiative launched on the 13th of March 2023 and our 2nd even will be on the 3rd of June 2023 @El Roi Lodge Whiteriver in Mpumalanga. Join us Ladies and make this initiative a success you are all welcome.

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