Suits & Sneakers



from 919 reviews
"The beginning felt a bit sales pitchy but the core content from Mark was exceptional. "
- Anonymous
"Good discussion with some key facts, not only about owners/managers/directors of business but also general staff as well - we all need to up our games and become relevant - enjoyed his very relaxed style"
- Gavin
"Great event. Great speakers. Love the focus on community, support local and SA tourism"
- Seema
"As always an excellent experience booking to leaving the event. The talks were well presented, informative, inspiring and thought provoking. Well MC'd by MArk Sham who brings professionalism, robust discussion and humour to the party. Loking forward to the next event."
- Anonymous
"Awesome event Only blot was getting out of the office Park... went in circles to find a gate that was open and when we found that gate it took 30min to get out "
- Anonymous

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